Thursday, April 3, 2008

Laser or not to laser?

Yesterday my dermatologist friend called me up and asked me if I wanted to attend a "demo" for a laser machine she was planning to purchase. Yea, hair removal, skin rejuvenation, acne, etc.. and hell yea! for no cost! So, I had the hairs on my feet removed (you know the ones on each toe? yea, those) Anyway, the demonstrator first cleaned each toe with water then zapped away. Oh yea, the laser looked like it was made of glass, measured around 1 cm x 6 cm (width x length) and emmited a fierce bright white light with each zap, so sunglass precaution people! (it's provided!) so in short, small surface area coverage only, but that's okay! this procedure shouldn't be hurried. As I was saying, after the demonstrator "zapped" my toe she asked me if the pain was tolerable so as the heat. It felt like a rubberband prick that was hot. For a first timer I would rate it 2.5 (scale of 1-5). There was a little stubble left afterwards, but it could be removed painlessly with a tweezer, so no prob!
Overall, i loved it. It was a hassle-free procedure. No medications before or after the procedure, just some sunblock for procedures done on the face.